Folio limit reached Folio limit reached "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* Client code and case number*E.g. SML, T20201234Folio limit advised on allocation*Minutes of allocation already typed*Minutes of allocation left to be typed*Current number of folios already typed*I have checked the folios I have already typed* Yes No Expected additional folios required*Example of how to calculate this - if you have reached your folio limit of 80 folios and you have transcribed 50 minutes of recording and there is another 15 minutes left to transcribe, you would divide 80 by 50 = 1.6 folios per minute of recording. Next, multiply this by the time remaining to be transcribed (15 minutes in this example), 1.6 x 15 = 24 folios. A member of the office will then seek further payment of the additional folios from the client based on your calculations and will advise you when the transcription can be continued.Reason for higher folios (select all that apply)* Frequent interjections Frequent speaking at the same time Speakers talking very quickly Other (note in Any Additional Comments) Select AllAny additional comments Search for: Click for a Quote Download EX107 Form Upload Files Here