Thank you for agreeing to take part in this important survey measuring customer satisfaction for The Transcription Agency, a VIQ Solutions Company.  We are looking to hear your thoughts and opinions on the service you receive from us in order that we can better serve you in the future.

This survey should only take a few minutes to complete.  Please be assured that all answers you provide will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Customer Satisfaction and Feedback Form (Court - Government Agencies and Departments)

Please leave the response field immediately above as is.
1. Transcripts are returned to me within the requested turnaround times.(Required)
2. I am happy with TTA’s response times to queries.(Required)
3. The staff at TTA are courteous and helpful.(Required)
4. I am happy with the quality/accuracy of the transcripts provided by TTA.(Required)
5. Overall I am satisfied as a customer of TTA.(Required)
9. I would like staff at TTA to contact me to discuss the responses I have provided (please delete as necessary).(Required)

The Transcription Agency
  • (please note n/a if not applicable)