CFT court audio upload CFT court audio upload "*" indicates required fields Your detailsYour name* Your email* Your court* Files for case number* Contact number*Is this request being paid for at public expense or by the requestor?*Public expenseThe requestorUpload Files* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: 3g2, 3gp, aif, aiff, ds2, ds2, amr, dss, iff, asf, avi, flv, m3u, m4v, m4a, mid, mov, mp3, mp4, mpa, mpg, ogg, ra, rm, srt, swf, vob, wav, wma, wmv, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, log, msg, rtf, txt, wpd, wps, pps, xml, html, pdf, indd, xlr, htm, php, xhtml, zip, zipx, , Max. file size: 3 GB. Please upload the audio file/s and EX107 form (with Part E completed) here. Please include the court case number in the saving code of the audio files being uploaded and also the EX107 form that is being uploaded. There is an upload limit of 2GB.Any additional informationFor example, "additional audio for order already sent" or "The judgment part of the hearing is only on CD and the recordings will be despatched today. " Search for: Click for a Quote Download EX107 Form Upload Files Here